Graph Algorithms – Shortest Path Algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford) – MST (Kruskal, Prim’s) – Cycle Detection – Topological Sorting

Common Graph Algorithms

  1. Shortest Path Algorithms:
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: For graphs with non-negative weights.
  • Bellman-Ford Algorithm: Handles negative weight edges.
  • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: For all-pairs shortest paths (means to calculate the shortest paths between every pair of vertices in a weighted graph).

2. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST):

  • Kruskal’s Algorithm: Greedy algorithm for MST.
  • Prim’s Algorithm: Another greedy algorithm for MST.
A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree in which the sum of the weight of the edges is minimum

3. Cycle Detection:

  • Detects if a graph contains cycles (used in detecting deadlocks, checking DAGs, etc.).
Graphs with cycles
Directed Graph with no cycle

4. Topological Sorting:

  • Linear ordering of vertices in a DAG (The first vertex in a topological sort is always a vertex with an in-degree of 0, meaning it has no incoming edges).
A graph can have multiple topological orderings.

5. Connected Components:

  • Identifies distinct subgraphs in an undirected graph.
  • Subgraph:
    • A subgraph is a part of the original graph that consists of a subset of vertices and the edges connecting them.
  • Distinct Subgraphs:
    • Two subgraphs are said to be distinct if there are no edges connecting any vertex in one subgraph to any vertex in the other subgraph.

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